Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sneaker pants.... How sneaky!


Yasum Sneaker Pants

Hot stuff happening with my pants I wandered about trying to decide how I wanted to show off some of the sneakiest ever pants..... 

: S u g a r :   Glitter Gun Ring - Tuxedo Edition
 I couldnt find the ring in the shop.... but still looking will update when and if I find it.

 Lately I have run into so much sameness.. but these break the mold.... the laced up thigh cut outs...  with the boot/sneakers attached
hey also have the added feature of being UNISEX.. and come in three female sizes and 3 male sizes

These were definitely unique.. Even when I was afk I got  IM's about how sexy these pants are.. I am so glad I  got the fatpacks... because these may just become my new favorite pants... and there is a color for every look... I have never been to Yasum before but I will definitely return...

Another great Item is SHINE's Mesh Bikini's they come in a huge variety of colors and  several sizes to fit even my fat ass... And if your getting the amazing pants the  bikini fits nicely under the pants for a cute look...   layered mesh I really didn't know it was an option.. or either its just how these two items mesh together..

IZZIE Elena Skins

The pants and the bikinis are the same but I wanted to show you the variety in colors and textures...

Izzie's - Elena Skin mocha

Tenjin Violet Hill Tattoo Fresh 50L

SHINE  Group Gift...... 

Izzie Hair Flower - Teal

TRUTH HAIR - Tristana -  September 1'st Release

IZZIE gradient nails