Sunday, July 28, 2013

The No No Places...

Today I was wandering about the sims and doing random TP... and found myself in a naughty place...
So I paused for pictures against the seedy background

No worries I am a grown up and I have watched the videos about * I wannnn da...SEXXX!! *
So I felt prepared  warned and relatively safe that I could tp out if I was unduly offended...

Earrings or awesome!! Remarkable Oblivion earrings come in silver tones and gold tones I am wearing the gold for the post
My intention was for piccys...  and I was lucky enough that no one was around to harass me, unless you want to count the one lone lady who had her vajayjay pulsing and dripping on her way to the stripper pole.* I spared you the photos* but she was surprisingly not newb looking.. I was impressed at the quality of pervs lurking about the area
Such is secondlife.... and if you go to the no no places.. be ready to see anything.

I just loved this neon signage and I did censor the bad word for you...

So lets get to the good stuff....

The Ro Remarkable is an older one but I love it and they made a new one for the donna flora event... And here is the link so you can go pick up this amazing crown.... LOVE DONNA FLORA

RO - LOVE Donna Flora - Crown

SO so Pretty.. but the Bomb suited my look for the day....and you have to walk around to find the RO display.... I love this crown I am gonna collect everyone they make..

Candy Doll - Admiral Army *shoes for Slink feet...*

And although this blog is on the trashy side... these shoes  made by CandyDoll Are anything but trashy. they are fab... and are compatible with your Slink Feet.. so it makes it super easy to match perfect to the skin tones.. Izzies skin is one of the ones that has the matching  SLink hands and feet skin appliers..

These Jelly Watches by Shine come in a huge selection of colors

My list of what I  have on and the skin I amin  is as follows..
Exile::Live Every Moment Blacks * hair fair
RO - Remarkable Oblivion - Megaton Crown *one of there older coolest items ever*
RO - Remarkable Oblivion - Arsenal - Gold *comes in silver also*
RO - Remarkable Oblivion - Bullet F****** Belt
...::: Scrub :::... 8 Buckles Skirt * Black
...:::Scrub:::... Multicolor Zipper Nails (zipped-unzipped)
Candy Doll - Admiral Army *shoes for Slink feet...*
Slink Feet * by far the best thing ever... its so easy to match the shoes and skins.. skin designers everywhere are making skin textures for the slink feet ....a better option than before I love Slink compatable shoes!
Dirtyland Clothes & Accessories - Bullets' Arm strap *very old item I have had in my inventory forever*
Izzie's - Jill Safari Skin dark tan
**SHINE** Gummy Watch/CoffeeFlower